Local Weather

Local Weather Patterns

We often get asked when is the best time to visit, especially from our out of state guests.  Below, we have a general overview of how the weather usually is around Manasota Key.

When Is It Best To Visit Manasota Key?

When considering temperature, humidity, cloud cover, precipitation levels and water temperature, the best times to visit Manasota Key typically fall within the months of February to May and October to December.  The other months in between include warmer summer months and also cooler winter months that have more cloud coverage and humidity levels than the other months. Even outside of those “better” months, the temperature around Manasota Key rarely goes below 41°F or above 92°F, with the typical range remaining between 54 and 89 degrees.

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Water Temperature Trends

The Gulf of Mexico's water temperature in Manasota Key typically remains within a comfortable range. The warmer summer months have a water temperature of 82 degrees or higher.  The cooler winter months have a water temperature down in the 70's.

Precipitation Trends

The rainiest months on Manasota Key are June, July, August and September.  Hurricane season starts on June 1st and ends on November 30th.  The other seasons are noticeably drier.

The driest months are normally November and December.

Book Your Stay Today

There are many different places to explore around Manasota Key.

If you are interested in scheduling a vacation rental to begin your adventure, book with us today!

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